We need more players for Futsal today!
Busted my toes, unable to run or shoot with right foot
needs more players, let's go!
also, sorry to hear and take care Henri
hmm, the number doesn't spark joy. Should we start asking others?
Please do.
Does it start from today? Then i am in.
Moi gentlepeople!
I realised I will be missing next last 2 futsal.
And I will be skipping most of the summer fun, as my body cannot probably hold my Monday evening training + Tuesday with you + Wednesday morning another + weekly game…
So except some random and scarce appearances for the summer Tuesdays, I guess I will see you most in fall again.
Thank you for the indoor season! It was fun and good to join another group with such good level! And if we don’t see before august, have a great summer break 😎
Thanks and enjoy the summer Guillaume!
Merci Guillaume! Until next time 🤠
More players go go!
We have 10 today! Managed to get some more players :)
Few more futsal-players needed for tonight.
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