looking grim today...
I guess we need to cancel today, unless someone has a bunch of friends who would join us.
I was going to register now but I see that we are not enough players
OK, better luck next week. Have a nice weekend all.
I know it’s a long easy holiday weekend for many. But is there anything more relaxing than playing futsal with FC Nerds? Have a break from your family and join us tomorrow at usual time.
Few more players, thanks!
Ainakin kaks tarvittais, minimum two needed!
trying to get extra players, fingers crossed
got 1 more for the horde so at least game is on. 4v4 is fine, but looking to get some more players
Nice👍 4vs4 was fine last week. We played in the floorball goals without a goalkeeper
There's potentially a 10th player, but this guy just recovered from Covid last week, he had feaver last Thursday but everything's fine now. I'm checking with all of us if this is fine or not for you if he joins?
I don't mind
Just to confirm, yesterday or last week Thu?
If last week Thu, I'm totally fine :)
last week Thu :D
Since we're out of time, I preemptively confirm and add him into so we have a nice 5 v 5 game. Hopefully the rest won't mind :P
Huomenna futsalia Merihaassa. Ilmoittautukaahan mukaan.
Futsal tomorrow in Merihaka. Sign in today!
Vielä mahtuu!
8 players now. Few more, thanks!
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