Potkijoita tarvitaan - more players needed.
Tälle illalle tarvitaan muutama pallonpyörittäjä lisää. Tuu mukaan!
We need few more players for today. Join in!
I have few friends that have expressed their interest to come play football with FC Nerds, maybe on more permanent basis as well. Would it be okay if I invited them to play tomorrow?
Please bring white, black and orange shirts if you have them.
How many extra players are we? 13+?
A friend asking also, but better not to be more than 15
Looks like 13 at the moment
A few more players for tomorrow would be nice. Please, mark yourself in now if you know you’re coming.
See you tomorrow,
Everyone bring black and white shirt, thanks
Injured, out :(
get well soon!
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