Happy New Year everyone! I hope you've had a nice, relaxing holiday.
We'll continue futsal this tomorrow at Merihaka. Hope to see you there.
: Janne
nice! Final game of this year!
Im still resting my ankle and be back in January. Happy holidays everyone!
Have a good recovery👍For those who cannot make it to Merihaka tomorrow, Merry Christmas! 🎅
Have to cancel. Stupid headache. 😠
should i ask for more players already? i think minimum of 10, max 15 is needed for good games!
I'm working late, but I will try to make it for the last 30 minutes. So I'll try to make it at 19:00.
Sorry for late answer. Please do ask for more players.
still few needed today, mark yourself in for a splendid night of futsal! ask your friends too!
I added 1 extra, now we have 10!
I guess we call it off?
I think so
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