Hi, futsal tonight. A few more players would be great ⚽️
No futsal today?
seems that gain extra 5 players in 1.5 hour is some task. Are we waiting for a miracle or it makes sense to admit we shall cancel the game today?
86 players and 5 in😂👍🏻
Sorry, I’m dropping out.
Yes, no use flogging a dead horse, I suppose. I'm out too. See you guys next time!
Another fine futsal friday. Join us. We need you!
Paying with Edenred @ Merihaka
Paying with sports benefits on Edenred app is not possible at Merihaka. I checked it with guy behind the counter on last Friday. He said that the payments on the app fail for some reason. Mysteriously it's still possible to pay with Edenred card, if you happen to have one.
Other sports benefits apps should work. Let me know if you have any issues with payments
I'll try to find more info on this.
As a remainder: you can use sports benefits to pay our Futsal turns. Just let me know when and how much you paid.
Good point, Janne!
I tried to pay with Edenred 3 weeks ago, neither it worked out with the Edenred card nor via Edenred app. I had to pay with the normal debit card hence.
Quite a surprise, since last spring it was possible to pay at least with the Edenred card.
Hmm I worked for me a few weeks ago.
I paid €105 on Oct 18th towards FC Nerds at the Metihaka counter, using my Edenred card.
I assume, right before me trying to pay the very same way :) :) :)
Damn, someone dropped out so we are 9. Need at least 1 more player!
Got 1 more! But WTF someone just dropped out again, come on guys! :D:D:D:D
Ok! got 1 extra, now we are 10. Please don't drop out anymore xD
We need a few more players for today!
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